Welcome Everyone!!!!

A empty mind is a devil's workshop, is an old saying.... an empty mind can be a scientist's workshop is my saying..... as you are entering in the world of these blogs, you should keep in mind that this blog is made entirely on the purpose of sharing ideas..... it might be outdated...... but don't hesitate to share it!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Air in a Chicken Egg!

If you place a chicken egg into a pot with watetr, you can estimate the age of the egg by the angle of its longitudinal axle to the bottom of the pot. That is to say, a fresh egg lies horizontally in the water, a 30-day-old egg stands on its point. How can the difference be explained?
The older an egg is, the larger its air chamber becomes. The air chamber is located in the thick end, so this becomes lighter with age. This happens because a constant exchange of air takes place through the eggshell and water slowly evaporates from inside. Oxygen is needed, as the chicken embryo develops, so the eggshell has tiny pores. When the egg lies in hot water and is heated up, the expanding air inside emerges from the holes, forming small bubbles. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Refusal of Water!

You must have spilled water on a table or a similar flat surface! You would have noticed that when the water reaches the end of the table, it doesn't spill over but begins to flow along the table boundary. The only water that runs down is that which spills over immediately after pouring; it then breaks off. If the edge of the table is rounded, then the water which is running over the rounded edge pulls the entire puddle of water with it. Why is that?

Flowing water follows the force of gravity. On a sharp table-edge, the cohesion of the water, the attractive power between the rounded molecules, is interrupted. Over a rounded edge, the cohesion remains, and it is even stronger than the adhesion, the attractive force between the molecules of the water and the plastic. Therefore, all the water pours off, and the tabletop is soon dry.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fire Underwater

Warm the base of a candle stump and stick it in a bowl. Fill the bowl with cold water up to the rim of the candle. If you light the wick it burns until it is under the surface of the water. Then the candle flame hollows out a deep funnel. An extremely thin wall of wax remains standing around the flame, preventing the water from extinguishing it.
The water takes so much heat from the candle that its outer layer does not reach its melting point, and the wax there cannot evaporate and burn.

Dangerous Step Tension

If you are caught in a thunderstorm, you are not supposed to run. Lightning, which hits a tree nearby, can endanger a runner as its electrical energy flows through the ground. Since the potential energy decreases with increasing distance from the tree, it can be stronger under the rear leg of the runner than under the front one. Because electricity flows towards the lowest potential, this 'step tension' causes the current to pass through the body, since it conducts the electricity better than the ground.
A person is safer squatting with his feet together in a depression in the ground to avoid bolts from above. The electricity flows away underneath him, as if he were a bird on a power line.

Friday, April 30, 2010


If you gently remove the earth under a pine tree where bolete mushrooms grow, you will find the small roots of the tree closely covered by the felt0like white mycelium of the fungus. The tree and fungus live together to their mutual advantage. This kind of permanent association between two plants is called symbiosis. The mycelium threads penetrate the outer layers of the roots and provide them with water and minerals. The tree, in turn, shares with the fungus some of the foodstuffs produced by its leaves.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Summary of Unity!

Well.. Well.. Well... I had been planning to explain it after some time... but some requested me to do it soon.. so here it is- the summary of my poem- UNITY!!!........Firstly.. the boy lights the candle without touching it with the matchstick because a candle contains paraffin, and when you light it and blow it off, then the smoke which comes out contains paraffin in gaseous form and it is combustible!!! So if you bring a burning matchstick near the smoke trail, the wick of the candle will be lighted!!!.... When you bring a red flower in front of an anthill, then the ants sense a danger and they a emit a certain kind of substance as a weapon to protect themselves. So when that substance strikes the flower.. due to the some chemical reactions, the color changes from red to purple!!!...... In atoms, we analyze the mechanics of the motion off electrons using quantum mechanics; quantum mechanics fails when we apply it to planetary motions. We use relativistic mechanics in their case. So far, we haven't been able to unite the basic concept of the two. Scientists are working on the unification of the two and a certain portion of scientists have proposed a new theory called the 'string theory'.... And the final punch!!! Well.. the genie in this poem is supposed to be the ghost of Sir Albert Einstein!!!... He likes the boy's attitude and asks him to go ahead!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my poem 1: Unity!

A schoolboy enters his class

Only to find a genie in a flask;

The genie says he can do some magic,

And science doesn’t exist in earth’s picture.

The boy says science has power you know not,

It helps me do things you haven’t thought;

With this the boy takes a burning matchstick,

And lights a candle without touching it.

Next the boy plucks a red flower,

And brings it near an anthill;

Blimney! The flower goes purple,

And the genie does nothing but stare.

The patience of the genie broke away,

He took away his wand and bowed;

He asked the boy a favor,

Something he couldn’t do himself ever!

He said huge mass like earth and the atom were different,

As different as he was from the living;

That none on this earth had explained,

The unity in the behavior of those two.

With this the genie left the room,

Leaving the boy completely bewildered,

Even the reader of this poem bewildered;

For he was none other than the great Einstein!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Idea 2 !

This might be a silly test of observation for you. But lets see whether you observe things around you! Have you noticed that when you drop a drop of water on the surface of water(dont worry, its not a puzzle), many ripples are created instead of one! If you observe it again, try to find the reason! You all have studied the physics required for this!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Ideas 1.....

There are so many events going on in this universe which go unnoticed. And if someone just stops by and try to think over it, a scientist is born!

I AM!!!!!

I am an undergraduate student at National Institute of Technology, Calicut, a prestigious and a deemed university of India. My ideology is that no one can judge anyone by his/her age. I have created my blog because i feel like sharing my ideas with people around the globe. Not just that, I would also love to analyze latest thought process behind some new scientific release. Some might not like my ideas. Some might find some fault in it. I would sincerely request them to come forward and convey their suggestions.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Welcome Note!

So. Finally I have arrived at the thought of blogging. You cant expect anything technical right now but i assure you that in a quick passage of moments, i will be putting up something which is sure to amaze you. And, by the way, if you want t correspond, you are free to do so! You can call me Mit!