Welcome Everyone!!!!

A empty mind is a devil's workshop, is an old saying.... an empty mind can be a scientist's workshop is my saying..... as you are entering in the world of these blogs, you should keep in mind that this blog is made entirely on the purpose of sharing ideas..... it might be outdated...... but don't hesitate to share it!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my poem 1: Unity!

A schoolboy enters his class

Only to find a genie in a flask;

The genie says he can do some magic,

And science doesn’t exist in earth’s picture.

The boy says science has power you know not,

It helps me do things you haven’t thought;

With this the boy takes a burning matchstick,

And lights a candle without touching it.

Next the boy plucks a red flower,

And brings it near an anthill;

Blimney! The flower goes purple,

And the genie does nothing but stare.

The patience of the genie broke away,

He took away his wand and bowed;

He asked the boy a favor,

Something he couldn’t do himself ever!

He said huge mass like earth and the atom were different,

As different as he was from the living;

That none on this earth had explained,

The unity in the behavior of those two.

With this the genie left the room,

Leaving the boy completely bewildered,

Even the reader of this poem bewildered;

For he was none other than the great Einstein!


  1. hope u brng about the unification of relativistic & quantum world........!!!nice one dude.....

  2. Nice poem MIT...keep it up!!!
