Welcome Everyone!!!!

A empty mind is a devil's workshop, is an old saying.... an empty mind can be a scientist's workshop is my saying..... as you are entering in the world of these blogs, you should keep in mind that this blog is made entirely on the purpose of sharing ideas..... it might be outdated...... but don't hesitate to share it!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Summary of Unity!

Well.. Well.. Well... I had been planning to explain it after some time... but some requested me to do it soon.. so here it is- the summary of my poem- UNITY!!!........Firstly.. the boy lights the candle without touching it with the matchstick because a candle contains paraffin, and when you light it and blow it off, then the smoke which comes out contains paraffin in gaseous form and it is combustible!!! So if you bring a burning matchstick near the smoke trail, the wick of the candle will be lighted!!!.... When you bring a red flower in front of an anthill, then the ants sense a danger and they a emit a certain kind of substance as a weapon to protect themselves. So when that substance strikes the flower.. due to the some chemical reactions, the color changes from red to purple!!!...... In atoms, we analyze the mechanics of the motion off electrons using quantum mechanics; quantum mechanics fails when we apply it to planetary motions. We use relativistic mechanics in their case. So far, we haven't been able to unite the basic concept of the two. Scientists are working on the unification of the two and a certain portion of scientists have proposed a new theory called the 'string theory'.... And the final punch!!! Well.. the genie in this poem is supposed to be the ghost of Sir Albert Einstein!!!... He likes the boy's attitude and asks him to go ahead!!


  1. nice 1...dude...
    u hve still got a long way to go..!!!

  2. dude post informations abt astrophysics da......
    u knw me rite..??!!
    v both ver intrstd in becumng astronauts ...but ended up sumwer else...
