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A empty mind is a devil's workshop, is an old saying.... an empty mind can be a scientist's workshop is my saying..... as you are entering in the world of these blogs, you should keep in mind that this blog is made entirely on the purpose of sharing ideas..... it might be outdated...... but don't hesitate to share it!!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010


If you gently remove the earth under a pine tree where bolete mushrooms grow, you will find the small roots of the tree closely covered by the felt0like white mycelium of the fungus. The tree and fungus live together to their mutual advantage. This kind of permanent association between two plants is called symbiosis. The mycelium threads penetrate the outer layers of the roots and provide them with water and minerals. The tree, in turn, shares with the fungus some of the foodstuffs produced by its leaves.

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