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A empty mind is a devil's workshop, is an old saying.... an empty mind can be a scientist's workshop is my saying..... as you are entering in the world of these blogs, you should keep in mind that this blog is made entirely on the purpose of sharing ideas..... it might be outdated...... but don't hesitate to share it!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Air in a Chicken Egg!

If you place a chicken egg into a pot with watetr, you can estimate the age of the egg by the angle of its longitudinal axle to the bottom of the pot. That is to say, a fresh egg lies horizontally in the water, a 30-day-old egg stands on its point. How can the difference be explained?
The older an egg is, the larger its air chamber becomes. The air chamber is located in the thick end, so this becomes lighter with age. This happens because a constant exchange of air takes place through the eggshell and water slowly evaporates from inside. Oxygen is needed, as the chicken embryo develops, so the eggshell has tiny pores. When the egg lies in hot water and is heated up, the expanding air inside emerges from the holes, forming small bubbles. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Refusal of Water!

You must have spilled water on a table or a similar flat surface! You would have noticed that when the water reaches the end of the table, it doesn't spill over but begins to flow along the table boundary. The only water that runs down is that which spills over immediately after pouring; it then breaks off. If the edge of the table is rounded, then the water which is running over the rounded edge pulls the entire puddle of water with it. Why is that?

Flowing water follows the force of gravity. On a sharp table-edge, the cohesion of the water, the attractive power between the rounded molecules, is interrupted. Over a rounded edge, the cohesion remains, and it is even stronger than the adhesion, the attractive force between the molecules of the water and the plastic. Therefore, all the water pours off, and the tabletop is soon dry.